Sydney is an alcemist, one of a group of humans who dabble in magic and serve to bridge the worlds of human and vampires. They protect vampire secrets - and human lives. When Sydney is torn from her bed in the middle of the night, at first she thinks she's still being punished for her complicated alliance with dhampir Rose Hathaway. But what unfolds is far wors. Jill Dragomir - the sister of Moroi Queen Lissa Dragomir - is in mortal danger, and the Moroi must send her into hiding. To avoid a civil war, Sydney is called upon to act as Jill's guardian and protector, posing as her roommate in the last place anyone would think to look for vampire royalty - a human boarding school in Palm Springs, California. But instead of finding safety at Amberwood Prep, Sydney discovers the drama is only beginning...
- Goodreads -
Most of you
probably know that I am a huge fan of Vampire Academy by Richelle Mead so I was
super excited when the Bloodline series came out. But for one reason or another
I never wrote a review for Bloodlines or its sequels. Now I’ve reread
Bloodlines so here is finally me review.
Some of my
favorite side characters from Vampire Academy get the lead roles in this book.
When I first read the names, Sydney, Adrian, Jill and Eddy, I thought how is
this going to work out they are all so different. But that’s just why it works
out so well. Sydney is the rational one, she makes sure that none of them do
things that they will regret later while Adrian makes sure that there is some
fun. And because of him Sydney learns again what it is to make fun.
is different as Vampire Academy but at the same time there are so many aspects
that you’ll recognize. There are the hilarious conversations between the
characters, especially between Adrian and Sydney, the right combination of
action, friendship and love and of course all the characters, even the new
ones, are amazing. But what I love the
most about Richelle’s book is that no matter how many times you reread them
they will never get boring. Every time you read them again you will something
new in them, a clue about what will happen further in the book you didn’t
notice the first time you read the book, some joke you didn’t get the previous
time you read the book but know you understand it… So the books get better and
better every time you read them. And I would have never thought that I would
love something as much as I loved Vampire Academy but Bloodlines comes so, so
close and perhaps at the end of the series I will love it as much as VA who
knows. I can’t wait to reread the next books in this series!
Title: Bloodlines
Author: Richelle Mead
Series: Bloodlines
Genre: Fantasy, YA
Publisher: Razorbill
Publication date: August 23rd 2011
Pages: 421 (hardcover)
Other books:
- The Golden Lily (Bloodlines #2)
- The Indigo Spell (Bloodlines #3)
- The Fiery Heart (Bloodlines #4)
- Silver Shadows (Bloodlines #5) (expected publication date: July 29th 2014)
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