Here are some book ideas for September.
Kat Zhang - What's left of me
I just read the short description and just wow. I really really want to read this story. The short description is intriguing and... . I'm just speechless at the moment.
I would say read the short description for yourself and you will know what I'm talking about.
Magie Stiefvater - The raven boys
We all know her from Shiver and know she has a new book series. I have to admit I haven't read Shiver yet, it's still standing on my to read shelf. But one day I will read shiver and The raven boys, 'cause the short description is promising.
Jenny Han & Siobhan Vivian - Burn for Burn
Two authors, one book a bit weird. But I'm willing to give it a shot. As I read the short description it's going to be full of bitchfights, and I love drama. It also intrigues me a bit, I would like to know what exactly happened to Lillia four years ago. So it's definitely standing on my to read list.
Cylin Busby - Blink once
I actually requested an ARC for this book, but didn't get it. It's really a shame, because I know I would loved loved this book. So I'll and am going to buy it then. Because this book is going to be amazing, I just can sense it!
Libba Bray - The Diviners
I have read The Gemma Doyle Trilogy and since then I'm hooked. So I assume that this book won't disappoint me. Can't wait to get it in my hands!
See you later xx
always success
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