Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly meme hosted over at Broke and Bookish. This weeks is: Top Ten Books I Was "Forced" to Read:

I had to read a book for school that was set in the ancient time, and I picked this one. And
I'm glad I did because I really loved it.
Okay actually I was forced to reread it in my freshman year of college. But that doesn't
take away that I love this book!
I had to read it just like S&S my freshman year. And I know that it's not a book, but a play
but well I loved it so here it is.

Apparently I had to read a lot of great books in my freshman year!
I had to (re)read this one in highschool. Still one of my favorite Jane Austen books.
I put it off for a very long time to read this one. But everyone kept telling me how great it
was so I gave in. And guess what I loved it.

Same story as THG. After reading again and again how great these books were I felt
obliged to read this one. Best decision of my life!
I had to read this one once in highschool. I don't remembe much about it anymore but I
do remember that I liked it back than.
Just like with VA and THG I kept hearing great things about this author. And now she's
one of my favorite authors.
And last but definitely not least TFIOS. When I walked past this book in boostores I
never picked it up because of the cover and the synopsis. I just looked such sad book
and it was, but it was so much more than that. But after a while it was impossible to
ignore all the good reviews and ratings so I finally bought it. And I still can't say after all
those months how much I loved it.
What's your Top Ten this week? Let me know below or link me up!
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