Rose Zarelli has big plans for sophomore year—everything is going to be different. This year, she’s going to be the talented singer with the killer voice, the fabulous girl with the fashionista best friend, the brainiac who refuses to let Jamie Forta jerk her around...
...but if she’s not careful, she’s also going to be the sister who misses the signals, the daughter who can only think about her own pain, the “good girl” who finds herself in mid-scandal again (because no good deed goes unpunished) and possibly worst of all...the almost-girlfriend.
When all else fails, stop looking for love and go find yourself.
I loved this book as much as the first one Confessions of an Angry Girl.
We got to see every great aspect of the first book back again in this one. Confession of an Almost-Girlfriend was very realistic. And she touched some major topics in it without the book becoming too heavy. Just like the first one I had to laugh multiple times while reading this book.
I loved how you could see all the characters grow during this book, especially Rose. Throughout the book she’s trying to find out who exactly she is and what she wants to do with her life. And exploring it comes with some ups and downs. But with the help of her friends, especially Angelo’s she gets there in the end. Most faces were familiar, but we also got to see some new faces. Conrad , Regina’s brother, can be as mean as Regina but you can see that with him it’s just a defense mechanism. And then there’s Holly. Holly is the new girl in town, beautiful and the daughter of an Hollywood actor. I really liked her, she seemed genuinely friendly and I would love to see her again in the next book. And after what happened in this book I think we might get to see her a lot more. Yet again I don’t know what to think about Jamie. I’ve got the feeling that he’s in fact a good guy. But I still have no idea why he pushes everyone away. I hope that I’ll finally get some clarity in the next book.
Roses family is still struggling with some issues, they live with each other but they don’t really see each other or now what they are going through. But I got the feeling in the end that they are finally healing, but the process will still take a long time.
I can’t wait to read more about Rose and her friends and I hope that we don’t have to wait too long till the next book comes out.
Title: Confessions of an Almost-Girlfriend
Author: Louise Rozett
Series: Confessions
Publisher: Harlequin Teen
Publication date: June 25th 2013
Pages: 279 (paperback)
Other books:
- Confessions of an Angry Girl (Confessions #1)
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