Friday 16 January 2015

Review: The Empress (Virtual Arcana #3) by Karen Amanda Hooper

23305154Title: The Empress
Author: Karen Amanda Hooper
Series: Virtual Arcana
Publisher: Starry Sky Publishing
Publication date: January 15th 2015
Pages: 54

Source: received from author 

Kelsey Zellar would never intentionally endanger her family, but when her mother appears on the Empress card, Kelsey worries her involvement with the Arcana has led the Zellars down a perilous path. 

Xander helps Kelsey change direction and continues to protect her from the government, gaining her trust and strengthening their connection, but Xander can't protect her from everything, and altering a path leads to severe consequences.

I am always excited for the next episode in the Virtual Arcana series. And after the last episode, The High Priestess, I was even more excited. The ending of the last episode was so stunning that I couldn’t wait to find out what exactly going on.

This episode was less centered on Equation and the virtual arcana but more on the different characters. In this episode we finally get to know Xander better. He’s still a mystery but bits of him were revealed and I really liked that. I also really loved how he and Kelsey interacted in this episode. They were so cute together and so sassy.

But the virtual reality aspect of the book keeps getting more complicated in every episode. And while I love it, it is also hard to wrap my mind around at times. Maybe it will all make more sense after all the episodes are released, at least I will make more sense by then. Also I really like on a journey together with Kelsey. She’s also still very confused by the virtual arcana and everything that surrounds it. We both still have to learn a lot about it.

The world of Equatia is getting more and more interesting. The more I know about the government the more I hate them. But I’m also really curious about it. Because how can they so easily control everything? And who is the big mastermind after it all? Because there has to be one, a world like this couldn’t exist without a genius.  I’m looking forward to learn more about it all.

I can’t wait till the next episode comes out, I hope that it won’t take too long because I’m really addicted to this series. And I’m really looking forward to find out what will happen next and how Kelsey’s and Xander’s story will develop further. 


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