Wednesday 2 April 2014

Review: Sun Damage (The Sunshine Series #3) by Nikki Rae + Giveaway + Author Interview

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Sun Damage_ebooksm.jpg weergeven in diavoorstellingSynopsis
Life wasn't what Sophie was expecting, so why should death be any different? 
She's come back from swimming between the two, and every problem she left is still there. And then some.
There's the human world, where she has a brother on the verge of ruins, band mates all set to go on tour, and people she thought she wouldn't be seeing for a long time showing up. 
Then there's her new world, where she's seeing and hearing things that should not be heard or seen. 
Where Myles knows more about her than she could have ever guessed. She still doesn't know exactly why Michael is tromenting her, but somehow, everything is connected. 
The monsters are closing in on all sides and the question is, will Sophie be able to defeat them before it all ends? 

Sophie and Myles have gone through a lot already during the first two books in this series. And every time they think that everything will be all right their lives get turned upside down again. Sophie is slowly turning in to a vampire after that everything should be okay, she and Myles can finally be together and Jade doesn’t have to lose anyone else in his lives. But everything is far from okay when Sophie wakes up. Somehow she’s different than any vampire Myles has ever known, he tries to help Sophie but she pushes him away. Hurt by all the lies he told her to keep her safe. When Myles finally reveals the truth about everything it’s too much for Sophie to handle. So she does what she does best, she runs away. She goes on tour with her band, while trying to avoid Myles and trying to adjust to her new life.

In this final book everything came to an end, all the unanswered questions from the previous book are made clear. I believe that Sun Damage is the most powerful book in this series, since all the characters are going through a lot. Sophie is adjusting to her new life as a vampire, Myles is trying to let Sophie go for a while so she can heal from his betrayal even though it breaks his heart and Jade is still coping with Stevie’s death and the transition of his sister. This book is full of raw emotions and the ending was just epic I could have never seen it coming that that was going to happen. End then the epilogue, I am not so sure what to think about it. I loved how it ended but at the same time I’m also sad but I can’t explain why that is exactly.

I would highly recommend this book to anyone who’s looking for a deep, dark, emotional and refreshing vampire world. I will be sad to let this series go but I’m looking forward to the next work of the author. 

* Note: I got a complimentary copy of this book from the author in exchange for an honest review *

Author Interview
1    Q:   Sun Damage is the last book in the series. Do you have any plans to write a spin off series or will your next books be set in a completely different world?
a    A: I'm actually working on a standalone spin off book that has characters from The Sunshine Series in it, and there may be one or two short stories down the road, but I don't think I'll make a spin off series. I have a lot of different world I want to experiment with. :) 

2    Q:  What or who will you miss the most about the Sunshine Series?
      A: Everything. In a way, I grew up with these characters. I've worked with them since I was 15 and now I'm 25. I've learned a lot through this series - about myself as a writer and a person - so it's hard letting go. 

3    Q: You are both a student  and a writer, how do you manage to be both?
      A: I'm lucky in that I go to school for literature and creative writing, so a lot of my time is spent writing or thinking about literature. I schedule things a lot. I have a desk calendar that I can't live without where everything is color coded and organized. I try to balance my writing work and school work the best I can, and I sacrifice a lot of free time or time I would spend reading for fun in order to be both, but theyr' worth it. :) 

4    Q: Do you see yourself in any of your characters?
      A: I see a little of myself in all of them. Some of that was done intentionally, but most of it wasn't. I've learned that I'm the type of writer that can't keep her real life out of her writing, no matter how hard I try. I see myself mostly in Jade and how protective of his siblings he is, but every character has little bits of my life or personality in them, even if I can't see it.  

5    Q: Sophie is a musical person, do you make any music yourself?
6    A: No, but not for lack of trying! I'm just not musically inclined. However, I love music, so I figured Sophie was a good character to live vicariously through.  

      Q: What did you want to be when you were little?
      A: I wanted to be a paleontologist, then a veterinarian, and then a cryptozoologist. Also, I wanted to be a painter. I was very ambitous. 
      Q: What was your favorite book when you grew up?
      A: When I was growing up, my favorite books were Goosebumps. I can't pick just one that was my favorite, but I remember I never left home without less than three of them at any given time.  
      Q:  Any tips for new writers?
      A: Write a lot of stuff. Even if you don't think it's any good, just keep doing it. Eventually, you'll like something or at least part of something that you want to fix. Then share that part of something with someone else who likes to write and needs help. Help each other. I've learned so much more about writing from revising other people's work than anything else.  

       Q: Anything you want to say to you readers? 
       A: Hi, readers! Thank you so much for reading my books! :)  


a Rafflecopter giveaway

Title: Sun Damage
Author: Nikki Rae
Series: The Sunshine Series
Genre: Paranormal, YA
Publication date: March 28th
Pages: 266 (kindle)
Other books: 


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