Monday 12 October 2015


Hi guys!

I want to apologize for my lack of posting this past month. These past months in general I have posted less posts then I normally do. I worked in the United States during the summer months and there was so much going on all the time, so many new things and so many new people, that I had not as much time to read and blog as I had wished. After I finished work I traveled around for three weeks. I had a blast during these weeks but I just could not find the time to blog unfortunately. Two weeks ago I arrived back home in Belgium. I thought I would have more time once I got back but the opposite is true. Catching up with friends and family has taken up a lot of my time. On top of that I am in the process of searching for a job in London, yet a different country, and it is quiet time consuming. So there is little time left for me to read and blog at this point in my life. I hope to get back on my normal reading and blogging schedule soon because I do really miss it all. I just wanted to explain to all of you why I have been so absent these past months because you as my readers deserve it. Also for to all the authors and publishers who have send me books. I am way behind on my schedule regarding reviews. Normally this is not how I operate and I am hoping to catch up on all your books really soon!


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