Tuesday 5 January 2016

Top Ten Tuesday #76: Top Ten Bookish Resolutions I Have For 2016

Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly meme hosted over at Broke and Bookish. This weeks 
Top Ten Bookish Resolutions I Have For 2016

  1. Finally read all the books that I have left for review!
  2. Read more books from my personal bookshelf. 
  3. Only accept books for review that I am truly enthusiastic about.
  4. Finish more series that I have started once upon a time.
  5. Write more reviews and post more blog posts. I have seriously been slacking these past months so I hope to pick that up!
  6. Not feel pressured to read a certain number of books this year. 
  7. Be more prepared and organized when it comes to my posts. 
  8. Connect with more bloggers and readers on twitter/goodreads. I feel like I don't do that enough while you all are so much fun!
  9. Participate in and complete NaNoWriMo.
  10. Re-read some of my favorite books. I didn't have time to re-read any books last year so I definitely want to do that this year!!



  1. Good luck with all of your resolutions for 2016!
    My TTT: https://jjbookblog.wordpress.com/2016/01/05/top-ten-tuesday-38/


I love reading your comments!