This month is a good book month, so here are some ideas.
October 23rd
I've already read this book and I LOVED it! It was definitely better than the first Iron Fey books. Normally my review will be ready by tomorrow.
Finale (Hush, Hush #4) - Becca Fitzpatrick
October 23rd
This books are so good! I really like to read them. I still have to read the third one, but I'm sure they won't disappoint me. Patch is so... I don't know how to describe him, I just liked him from the moment I met him.
The Shadow Society - Marie Rutkoski
October 16th
The short description looks promising, two worlds that exist apart from each other but also within each other. It's hard to tell with what the book is dealing, but it looks interesting.
October 2nd
Another book that I've already read. When I read this book I didn't have a wow-feeling, but I might have been comparing it to much with Jane Eyre (my favorite book). But still it's definitely worth a shot.
See you later xx
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