Top Ten Series I Haven't Finished Yet:

It's more like a top 14 and I probably could have added more books to this list but this are the series that I definitely want to finish.
What's your top ten this week?

It's more like a top 14 and I probably could have added more books to this list but this are the series that I definitely want to finish.
What's your top ten this week?
I haven't even started the first for several of these series even though I have them on my shelf waiting. Although I have started the Matched series, so I need to finish it too. Great rewind choice :)
ReplyDeleteMine was Top Ten Books You'd Like To Reread
I have a lot of series to on my shelf that I still need to start reading, sometimes it seems like I'm the only person who hasn't read a certain series yet :)
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I'm just not a series-finisher. I love the joy of reading the start of a series, but then...well, I usually just don't want to wander on in that world.
ReplyDeleteHere's my Top Ten: Childhood Favorites.
Sometimes I have to force myself to finish a series, I always like to now how it ends but the middle of the series just doesn't interest me.
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Great pick. I have a horrible habit of not finishing series, especially if their is a long wait between books. I definitely recommend finishing the Under the Never Sky series - it blew me away! Nice list :) My TTT.
ReplyDeleteI think I've to reread the first book first 'cause it has been a couple of year since I read it :)
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