Thursday 8 January 2015

Review: Travel Glasses (The Call to Search Everywhen #1) by Chess Dale

22930320Title: Travel Glasses
Author: Chess Dale
Series: The Call to Search Everywhen
Genre: Fantasy, Sci-Fi, Young Adult
Publisher: Czidor Lore, LLC
Publication date: May 7th 2014
Pages: 232 (ebook)
Source: received from author (Thank you!!)

When an ethereal being knocks Calla to the ground near her family's lakeside cottage, Valcas helps her to escape by traveling to another place and time. At first, Calla is as intrigued by the otherworldly Valcas as she is by his method of time travel: an altered pair of sunglasses that enable the wearer to search for anyone or anywhere in the past, present or future. That is until she suspects that his search for her was no mere coincidence.

With her trust broken, Calla sets off on her own, taking the Travel Glasses with her. Torn between searching for her estranged father and reuniting with the rest of her family, she tracks down the inventor of the Travel Glasses in hopes of discovering more about Valcas' past and motivations. Wit Valcas hot on her trail, Calla hopes to find what she's looking for before he catches up.

The Call to Search Everywhen is a serial series of novel-length installments.

Travel Glasses tells the story of Calla. Calla has always had an extraordinary life, she lives in a cottage with her uncle. She doesn’t know where her mother is and never met her father. Her only friends are book characters since time proved over and over again that real people are not to be trusted. But then she runs into a stranger at a lake, Valcas is different than anyone she has ever met. Soon Call finds out that Valcas is a time traveler and that there is a reason that she run into him. But the question is who is Valcas and what does he want from her?

I really enjoyed reading this book but it took me a while to get into it. The first part of the book wasn’t that eventful. Mostly it explained a lot about time travelling and Calla’s past life. At first Calla made some strange choices. She followed Valcas without questioning him and she trusted him completely, that is until he started to act really strange. Only then she started to reflect on everything that had happened to her and on what she should do next.

The story of the travel glasses was really original. I had never read anything like it before. It might sound strange, time travelling with glasses, but the author made it believable. There were times when we got a lot of information at once that I was a little confused and had to think a little before I really got how it all worked. But overall the story was easy to follow.

Meeting all the different characters, Edgar, Enta, Valcas… was really interesting. Valcas was probably the most interesting character. Especially since he had a past and present version of himself. The present version came across as kind of strange and crazy. But then we got to meet his past version and I understood why he was like that in the present. We got to know his motives for his obsession for Calla and why he kept following her. In fact what he was doing was great!

Overall I really liked the story. It started off a bit slow and strange. But the more I read the more I got pulled into the story. Travel Glasses is a great book for fans of time travel. I’m looking forward for the second book in this series. 


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