Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly meme hosted over at Broke and Bookish. This weeks was a freebie so I chose the topic Top Ten Bookish Problems
- I keep buying books even though I still have so many books I haven't read yet on my shelf
- The week after I bought a book they go on discount
- My mom always complains that I spent to much money on books
- My bookshelf is too small
- There are so many amazing series that I've started but still need to finish
- My review pile keeps growing and still I request books on Netgalley and Edelweiss
- There is so little time and so many books that I want to read
- The day you read the last book in one of your favorite series
- Giving a book to a friend/my sister and not getting it back in the exact same shape
- Lacking sleep because you need to finish that book
Lots of problems that are related to buying/owning books. That's why I mostly use the library.
ReplyDeleteI used to go to the library a lot but I haven't in a really long time since I have enough books that I still need to read at home.
DeleteThanks for stopping by!
Nice list of book related problems!! Number one on your list is a HUGE problem for me too. Here's a link to my TTT for the week: http://captivatedreader.blogspot.com/2015/02/top-ten-tuesday-ten-book-related.html
ReplyDeleteI think it's a huge problem for a lot of readers and one that only readers understand.
DeleteThanks for stopping by!
I can definitely relate to the majority of these Elien! Especially with my Mum telling me I buy too many books ;D Here's my TTT if you would like to check it out :) http://emmasbookery.blogspot.co.uk/2015/02/top-ten-bookish-problems-that-i-have.html
ReplyDeleteA lot of the time I have to sneak them in :D
DeleteThanks for stopping by Emma!
his info steady once, continue continue gan
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