The Sunday Post is a weekly meme hosted @Caffeinated Book Reviewer. It's a chance to share news ~ A post to recap the past week on your blog, showcase books and things we have received. Share news about what is coming up on your blog for the week ahead.
This week was quiet uneventful. Most of my friends have to work during the evening and I work until the afternoon. So we didn't have much time to spend together. But today I went out with some colleagues of mine to grab dinner. Next week will be my last week here in London and I am sad to leave. I met so many amazing people here and I can already tell that it will be hard to say goodbye to them all.
Last week on the blog:
- Monday: New Releases in June
- Tuesday: Top Ten Tuesday #65: Top Ten Most Anticipated Reads For the Rest of 2015
- Wednesday: Waiting on Wednesday #98: Torn Sky (Rebel Wing #3) by Tracy Banghart
- Thursday: Review: Before He Was a Secret (Starstruck #3) by Becky Wicks
- Friday: Review: Perfect Timing by Robin Mellom
- Saturday: Band of the Month June: PVRIS
Next week on the blog:
- Monday: Review: Anna and the French Kiss (Anna and the French Kiss #1) by Stephanie Perkins
- Tuesday: Top Ten Tuesday #66: Top Ten Books On My TBR For Summer 2015
- Wednesday: Waiting On Wednesday #99
- Thursday: Review: Me Tarzan - You Jane by Camelia Miron Skyba
- Friday: Review: The Roche Hotel by Mysti Parker
Showcase Sunday's/Stacking the Shelves aim is to showcase our newest books or book related swag and to see what everyone else received for review, borrowed from libraries, bought in bookshops and downloaded onto eReaders this week. This Sunday meme is hosted by Books, Biscuits and Tea and Tynga's Reviews:

Nineteen Eighty Four by George Orwell
Lola and the Boy Next Door (Anna and the French Kiss #2) by Stephanie Perkins
The Beautiful Cassandra (Little Black Classics #33) by Jane Austen
The Night is Darkening Round Me (Little Black Classics #63) by Emily Brontë
Woman Much Missed (Little Black Classics #14) by Thomas Hardy
The Old Nurse's Story (Little Black Classics #39) by Elizabeth Gaskell
The Great Winglebury Duel (Little Black Classics #37) by Charles Dickens
The Reckoning (Little Black Classics #48) by Edith Wharton
You got some nice classics! After watching Far From the Madding Crowd, I'm interested in the Thomas Hardy one you picked up. Have a good reading week!
ReplyDeleteAfter reading Tess of the Dubervilles by him I'm really excited to read more books by him.
DeleteThanks for stopping by!
I have been really interested in reading more classics lately. Great week for you chica!
ReplyDeleteI hope you have a great week! Happy reading :)
Here's my weekly wrap up
Michelle @ Book Briefs
They are all short stories and were only 80p each so I couldn't pass them up!
DeleteThanks for stopping by!