Music has always been a huge part of my life. I love going to music concerts and to music festivals. My iPod is next to my ereader my best friend. I never go anywhere without my music. So I figured that it was about time that I introduced some music in my blog. From now on I will feature one of my favorite bands each month. Maybe you know them, maybe you don’t. Maybe you’ll like them, maybe you’ll hate them. But anyway I think that this is going to be lots of fun!

I think that most people have heard the news by now. Last weekend Christina Grimmie got shot after her concert in Orlando. I cannot believe with which tragedies Orlando has been struck these past days and all my love goes out to the people over there. I decided to dedicate this post this month to Christina Grimmie because she left this world to soon. I used to follow her on YouTube when she did her covers of famous songs and before she participated in the Voice USA. And while I had not listed to her a lot in the last couple of years the news of her death still shocked me. I hope that she will not be forgotten and that she will be an inspiration for many others to keep believing in your dreams because she was following hers.
Nice post El. I too was shocked when I heard the news. I couldn't believe it. I started listening to Christina on YouTube as well. She had such a wonderful voice and was simply breathtaking on the keyboard. It's really sad she died so young, but I'm happy that at least she was chasing her dream.