Thursday 16 February 2017

Review: Yours and Mine (Freshman Forty #2) by Christine Duval


34078674Title: Yours and Mine
Author: Christine Duval
Series: Freshman Forty
Genre: Romance, Contemporary, New Adult
Publication date: February 10th
Pages: 158 (kindle)
Source: received from author
Buy link: Amazon

The highly anticipated sequel to Positively Mine….

Picking up from the dramatic ending of Positively Mine, Yours and Mine continues the Freshman Forty series as we meet Danny Santoro, Laurel’s baby’s father, for the first time.

It’s been almost a year since he last saw her, that sultry morning she walked off the beach before dawn had even cracked the August sky. It seemed from her silence, she was out of his life forever.

But Laurel’s timing couldn’t be worse to tell him he’s a father. The last year hasn’t been easy. Danny’s own father was arrested for a DUI, his mother moved out, and Danny started sleeping with his brother’s old high school, drug-abusing girlfriend.

After Laurel shocks him with the news, she attempts to relinquish Danny of any parental responsibility leading to a heated custody battle. In an unorthodox arrangement, an eccentric judge orders Danny and Laurel to spend alternating nights with each other for the upcoming school year.

Told from Danny’s point of view, Yours and Mine explores the second chapter of a romance that never got off the ground, the challenges of young parenting, and the hope of rekindled love.

A couple of years ago I first read Positively Mine and I absolutely loved that book. Laurel is such a great character to read about so I was thrilled to find out that the sequel would finally be released.

Yours and Mine picked up right were Positively Mine left off, but this time the story was told from Danny’s point of view. Laurel hid her pregnancy from everyone, including from Danny the baby’s father. So when she drops the bomb on him that he has a three year old daughter well it is a lot to take in. But I was surprised at how well he took it all in. During the first book Laurel always made him sound like a complete jackass so that is also what I expected him to be. But I could not be more wrong. Of course he is not perfect but he is a really good guy actually. He cares for his family and would do anything for them. So now that also includes his little baby girl.

Both Laurel and Danny are trying to adjust to their new life as a parent. It definitely does not help that they live hundreds of miles away from each other and that they are both attending university and working. And it definitely does not help. And at first Laurel is not willing to compromise much but after the court arranges the custodial rights for both they have no other option than to spend time in each other company. Through the struggles they face the reality of what co-parenting entails. Slowly they start to learn how to be around each other again. And I love how they started to bond as characters again slowly. I am glad that the author did not rush their relationship in any way.
At times I had some troubles with Laurel in this book. I really liked her in the first book but at times she really came across a spoiled child in this book. Especially at the beginning when she did not want to compromise. She clearly was not thinking about her child best interests but in her own interests. And at that moment Danny just did not fit in her life. But I am glad that she turned around during the book and became more mature.

Overall I really enjoyed this book. I loved that the story continued right where it had left of, otherwise it would not have felt right. The book was fairly short and fast paced which made it really quick to read and that was exactly what I was looking for. Although I would have preferred it if the conclusion of the book had been a bit longer I still enjoyed it well enough. I cannot wait to read more books by Christine Duval.

Author Bio 

Christine Duval lives in New Jersey with her family. She is a member of the Society of Children's Book Writers and Illustrators, Women Who Write, and the Authors Guild.
When not creating fictional characters or organizing carpools, you can find her walking through houses and writing about them for an upscale real estate company. She also has an extensive social media background and has worked for several well-known magazines.
Find her online at or on Twitter @christineduval1.

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  1. Thanks for hosting today, Elien! This sounds like a fun series and very character driven too which is right up my alley! :)

  2. Aweesome blog you have here


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