Author: Nikki Rae
Genre: NA, paranormal
Publication date: October 30th 2014
Pages: 115 (Kindle)
Source: received from author
Buy links: Amazon
Casey Williams and her family are poor. Her parents work non-stop and so does she, just so they can keep the trailer roof from leaking.
They're getting by fine enough when the headaches start. Then there's the nosebleeds. And the inevitable doctor's bills.
Fortunately for Casey, there's an exclusive, quick, and almost easy way to pay it all back before her parents even have to know.
Nikki is probably one of my favorite
independent authors. Her Sunshine series was amazing so when I heard she was
working on a new project I was ecstatic.
Even though The Donor is only a novel Nikki manages to pull me right into the story from the start. With her books it's impossible not to get sucked into it directly. She even manages to let me feel connected with the main character within the first few pages.
Jonah and Casey both have a difficult
life. Casey her parents lost almost everything when her father had an accident.
And every month they worry because this month might be the month that they lose
the roof over their heads. Jonah lives in a nice house and has his own company.
So why is his life difficult you can think. I encourage you to read this
novella so you can find out.
So many things did happen in this novella without it being an overload. Jonah and Casey finally got to meet each other. There past was revealed bit by bit so that you had the time to come up with your own conclusions. In the first part we mostly learned things about Casey’s life so Jonah stayed a mystery till well into the novella. The better Casey gets to know Jonah the more she struggles with her feelings for him. She knows that anything besides friendship is impossible from them because of her condition, his way of life and because she knows that them being together will only be for a short period of time. But still she can’t help but be drawn to him even though Jonah has secrets of his own, secrets that can destroy everything he has with Casey.
From the start of this novella I had an
ending of my own in my mind and I was pretty sure that that would be the
ending. But I couldn’t have been more wrong. I was surprised with the ending
Nikki chose. The ending of this novella was really heartbreaking. It the right
ending for this book and I was satisfied with it. But I wouldn’t have minded if
their story was longer.
One of the things I loved the most about
this novella was that it was told in little jumps. The story always altered
between the present and the future until the present and the future were the
same. It was a lot of fun to read such a book.
Overall, I really enjoyed this novella and
all the other novellas. I would recommend it to anyone whose looking for a
short paranormal read. Nikki has a real talent and I’m keeping an eye open for
her next book!
Author bio

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